Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Conversations of the Autoimmune

Monday I had a Dr.'s appointment to check in on how the humira was working but in the process got to connect with some other autoimmune patients....

(I wrote this in the waiting room...)
I met another still's patient! I was so excited as I eyed her kineret shot in a small clear container. It was clear to me that she had come for her first injection education training... I have very fond and recent memories of kineret and how it worked for me, so I shared some of my experience with "the silver bullet" for stills as it was introduced to me. At first we both didn't divulge what we had until I thought about it... I have a blog about my disease for goodness sake!!! Hahaha As soon as I started is when she pointed to herself and said "stills disease" with a look of understanding. We then proceeded to discuss symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. She even mentioned that she attends a stills support group in the area! It's crazy how people can come together over anything. We are social beings I suppose!

Still, it's weird to me... speaking about my disease with other people because my experience is so personal! But everyone's is!! In the last post, I mentioned going to a family wedding. While I was there I got to chat with one of my uncle's about his chron's, another but more common autoimmune disease. Of course, there were plenty of things said in the course of our conversation but what really touched me were the words that attempted to describe the indescribable. Only another autoimmune patient can truly begin to understand the  pain one feels and the challenges one faces with these diseases... But I do appreciate who genuinely try.

Since writing that...
Dr. H was considerably behind. I had been waiting for over an hour when out of the door to the back appeared one of my coworkers!! I don't know her very well and I never see people I know or people as young as I am in Rhuematology!! I was shocked and didn't quite know how to approach the situation... should I discuss my health with a coworker?! We said our "Hellos" and I confirmed that she was the patient keeping Dr. H. I let her get to work with out much questioning but as soon as she left I knew I had to get her contact information... And now I have a friend who has lupus, another autoimmune disease. :D

Having these opportunities to converse with other autoimmune patients, read blogs and write my own blog has been very informative and cathartic for me. It gives me perspective, strengthens me and encourages me to continue finding out as much as I can about still's disease.

To all my fellow Americans (but also to my non-american readers!), have a Happy 4th of July!!

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